Policies & Dress Codes:

Studio Rules & Regulations:
We are a level based studio not by age. Our age brackets are a “recommendation” for where the student should be striving for. We have Placement Tests to set each student at which level they will be at for the upcoming semester. (There will be one free Placement Test at the beginning of each semester, if you cannot attend or enroll after that date you can either participate at the lowest level class or pay to take test.) Each test is comprised of a set of curriculum steps, from that list the tester will randomly choose steps in which the student must proper execute to move on to the next level. In the case that a student does not pass they will receive a list of the move(s) that they did not execute properly so they know what to work on during this semester to move forward. (We have chosen this format to be challenging for all students and for the safety of all students no matter their age. )
Starbeam Studios or any of the staff/ instructors are not liable for any injuries either minor or major. Dancing is a sport and there is (small) risk in any physical sport despite the carefulness of students, instructors, and/or owners.
We follow the School Schedule (Delta County 50j) for the semester. Late start days do not effect us however days that they completely cancel school because of bad wether we will also cancel classes. Make-up Classes will be offered to classes that got canceled due to weather. If there is every any doubt please feel free to call us!
We will take off all Holidays according to the Delta County 50j Calendar.
We do not always recognize the start and ending date of the semesters.
There is to be no street shoes on any of our dance floors at anytime! This is for the safety of our dancers, instructors, and our facility.
Starbeam Studios or Instructors are not liable for any lost or stolen items. Please check at the front desk for possible found items. If any found items are not claimed within the 2 week allotted time they will be donated to charity or a family in need.
We will release an occasional evaluation to the students. This is not meant to be negative rather than make parents and students aware of what is holding them back from moving forward. Any questions please contact us or see Miss Kayln.
All students must fill out the registration form, pay (at least the first installment) tuition, and sign the waivers and consent forms before their first class or they will not be permitted to dance.
All Classes must have a minimum of 3 students per class for the class advertised to run. There are minor exceptions to this rule, but that is at the discretion of the Studio Owner(s). If a class does not fill you will be able to transfer to another class of your choice.
All classes have a capacity. Please speak to the studio directly for the capacity on your particular class. If the class/ workshop reaches capacity you will be placed on a waiting list in the order of interest and are welcome and encouraged to take your second choice and sign up for that class the following semester. ​

Classroom Procedures:
No Gum, Food, or Drink (other then Water) in the Movement Spaces for the safety of Students, Instructors, and our facility.
Students are required to attend all classes unless pre-approved by Miss Kayln
If a Student misses or is tardy more than 2 classes per session it may result in removal from the performance.
If a student arrives more then 5 minutes late to a class they will be marked as tardy and asked to sit and watch the remainder of the class for safety reasons for them and the other students.
If a student needs to be pulled from class early this must be discussed with the Instructor prior to the class time, by an adult.
Students, no matter age, will address Instructors and Starbeam Studio Staff by Mr. or Ms. This is to teach professionalism and respect for others.
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to class so that you can be prepared and ready when the Instructor calls for your class.
No Student should be dropped off more then 15 minutes prior to class unless pre-arranged with Miss Kayln. This is for safety reasons, making sure Miss Kayln is prepared and ready for them, as well as we are a Arts Studio not a baby sitting program. (Although, we do understand busy schedules and rare times that this is needed, please inform Miss Kayln and she will try to assist you with your needs)
Students are not allowed to sit down in class unless instructed to do so by the Instructor.
Students may not leave the classroom for any reason without the Instructor's permission. This is for the safety of our students and Instructors.
There is to be no foul language used in the classroom EVER! This is a behavior that will not be tolerated.

Sparkle's/ Little's Information:
We offer classes for 2 years old through Kindergarten as part of our Sparkle's Program.
Please expect the first 2-4 weeks to be filled with your child running in and out of class, tears, just standing and watching, and not wanting to participate. This is NORMAL! These young children are being put in a situation that they have never been in before and are being given to a "stranger" to go with. They will warm up and will grow to be comfortable. Just be patient with them.
Parents are required to stay for the class unless their child is completely self-sufficent. (examples: putting on the different shoes, going to the bathroom, getting into the right class, etc.)
Performances are optional and sometimes it might be a better choice to skip the performance for the first couple times. (More information in the button)
The performance consists of each sparkle class performing one song. You will receive 2 comp tickets to this portion of the performance. If you require more than 2 to each performances (4 total) or you wish to stay for the duration of the extending "big kid" production you will need to purchase traditional tickets.
Each of these classes covers 2 styles of dance and therefore will need two shoes per class. (Black Tap and Pink Ballet) They will however only use one for the performance. (They alternate between performances as to which class does tap and which does ballet.

Dress Codes:
We do not have a full uniform at Starbeam Studios however, we do have some dress code regulations. ​
Something either over the top of the bottom or underneath the leotard. (i.e. shorts, pants, capris, legging, tights, etc.)
T-Shirt (No writing or logos)
Dance Belt
Something over the top of the bottom. (ie. Leotard, shorts, pants, capris, leggings, tights, etc.)
All Students are required to have the correct shoe style for their chosen class. Please see the list below to find your classes' requirements.
Pre-School Programs: ​
Glimmer Sparkles - Light Pink Ballet Slippers (Male: Black Ballet Slippers) & Black Tap Shoes
Dazzle Sparkles - Light Pink Ballet Slippers (Males: Black Ballet Slippers) & Black Tap Shoes
Shooting Comets - Black Tap Shoes & Black Jazz Shoes
Bronze - Gold Levels:
Pre-Ballet - Light Pink Ballet Shoes
Jazz - Black Jazz Shoes
Theater Jazz - Black Jazz Shoes
Ballet - Light Pink Ballet Slippers (Males: Black Ballet Slippers)
Tap - Black Tap Shoes
Hip Hop - Split-Sole Sneaker
Contemporary - Footundeez or Sandersoles
Pre-Pointe - Light Pink Ballet Slippers (Males: Black Ballet Slippers)
Pointe - Pointe Shoes
Ballroom - Practice Shoes
Dance Fitness- Tennis shoes but they need to have never been worn outside before or deep cleaned and then never wore outside again.
Please call us with any questions or concerns that you may have.
We understand the stress of shopping for dance wear, below is a link with our recommendations of value and style. You are allowed to get your practice wear from anywhere you choose as long as they are legitimate dance wear. (Cardboard Ballet shoes DO NOT count as dance shoes!) You are allowed to get any brand of dance shoe you like so they fit your foot correctly (especially at the silver/gold levels) but they must be the correct color and a true dance shoe of the same style. If you have any questions please email, call, or text. 970-823-0160
You can find our recommendations at DiscountDance.com using our studio number 110164 or just click the link below.
If you wish to find our shoe recommendations please notice
the drop down menu in the center of the page to the
right hand side. (Note: Picture) and find your desired style of shoe.
Or if you want to skip the stress you can come
into the studio for a fitting and
we will take care of you.
(By appointment only)
Once again please call/text with questions: 970-823-0160

Student/ Parent Conduct:
Children are not to be left unattended in the Waiting Room at anytime- this is for everyone's safety!
Students are expected to be dropped off and picked up for their class(es) - Instructors are not permitted to give rides for any Starbeam Studio Activity unless pre-discussed and a waiver is signed.
Children are not allowed to be dropped off more then 15 minutes prior to their class and picked up more then 15 minutes late from when their class ended. Any extra time that was not pre-discussed and approved by Miss Kayln you will be charged an extra $5.00 convince fee for every additional 15 minutes you are late starting at the 16 minute mark after their class has ended. All convince fees will be added to your account.
All Private Classes are to be pre-paid and you must cancel at least 24 hours in advance for credit to given to your account.
Please do not overwhelm Instructors before and/or after class with questions and conversations. They need this time to prepare and be the best of their ability for their next class and the classes to follow. (If it is a quick question or comment please feel free to discuss with them, if you think it will take longer please either set up an appointment or call, email, text the studio. Thanks!)
There is to be NO foul language or adult conversations in or around the facility at anytime. You never know when "Little Ears" might be listening. We strive to be a family-friendly place so that everyone from different walks of life can enjoy. In the same token please make sure you are not gossiping or talking poorly about other dancers, parents, or instructors. If you have an issue please feel free to call, text, email, or set up an appointment to meet with Miss Kayln. She would love to help resolve any issues you may be having.
All missed classes must be pre-approved and classes that will be missed for sickness and emergencies still require you to inform the studio by phone. (Call or Text) This is to help us keep track of students and so there is never any missed communications on where your child is.
Parents are not allowed to come into the movement spaces unless invited by the Instructor or on Parent Visitation days at the time the class invites Parents in.

Tuition & Fees:
Costume fees are mandatory and required ($0-$100 per production) Partial costume fees have been added into tuition- the remainder is due when you costumes arrive.
If you have an unpaid costume(s) Starbeam Studios has the right to sell/ use/ trade/ give away unpaid costume(s) and you will not be allowed to participate in another season of dance until your debt is paid.
All Students must be paid in full to participate in the performance and receive their costume(s)
No Refunds - Transfers on accounts available for a limited time. ALL SALES ARE FINAL ~ On delivered and non-delivered items
Costume Sizes are given to the studio by the parent(s)/guardian(s). Starbeam Studios uses the size/ measurements given to them at this time. Starbeam Studios is not liable for any costume(s) that do not fit properly. Starbeam Studios will do their best to help but all tailoring, re-ordering, or fixing will be at the parent's /guardian's responsibility as well as any financial responsibility, which may or may not be the same as the original price(s).
All Costume Complaints must be made prior to the purchasing of costumes. This is because we do our best to try and order them when costumes are as cheap as possible and the window for ordering is not very long. We do not offer costume estimates as you are welcome to wear a full leotard underneath any of your costumes. (It is recommended that you wear a skin color leotard under each costume for modesty and quick changes.)
No Refunds on Missed Classes ever. - Make-up Class options available for Limited Time.
Cancelation on Private Classes must be made 24 hours in advanced.
Late Fees will be 10% added to your account every week past due for up tp 30 days, where after student removal may occur if a payment plan has not been approached and set.
There will be a $30.00 charge on all returned checks
Monthly Payment Plans Available for a 5% increase.
Due Dates: Musical Theater​
1st Payment: Prior to 1st Class​
2nd Payment- February 5th
​3rd Payment- March 5th
4th Payment- April 5th
Due Dates: Dance Program​
1st Payment: Prior to 1st Class​
2nd Payment- February 5th
​3rd Payment- March 5th
4th Payment- April 5th
5th Payment - May 5th

Parents/ Guardians are 100% responsible to provide accurate sizing and measurements. Starbeam Studios is not liable for any sizing issues.
We try to keep costumes as inexpensive as possible, therefore we purchase many costumes at bulk discounts and/or clearance items. Because of this we cannot take costumes back/ give refund for ill-fitting costumes.
Students/ Parents/ Guardians do not get any say in costuming choice. All of our performances tell a story and therefore costuming is part of that process. This means that you not be allowed to chose color, style, or shape.
Modesty Issues: We realize that modesty is in the eye of the beholder and is very important to each person individually. Therefore you may wear a full coverage nude unitard underneath any of our costumes. (And of course anything less than that) We want each child to feel comfortable and parents/guardians to be comfortable as well.
Costume extras can be ordered through us and if purchased when we do our bulk orders offered at a discount, however, NO extras are including in your costume pieces. (Nude Leotard, Spare Tights, Etc.)
There is to be NO naked children/ students at the studio at any time. We have many changing rooms for you to use. We have a mixed gender staff as well as students. Please help us keep this a family-friendly establishment.
If you order a costume then decide to "drop out" of the class for any reason you are liable for ordered costume piece(s) and are responsible for all legal fees (by persons or Starbeam Studios) if such scenarios occur.