
Heidi Marlin: (Working Mother)
"My 7 year old met new friends and had fun while learning dance over the past year at Starbeam Studios. The summer camp helped her feel comfortable in the studio with Miss Kayln plus try all the major dance types to decide what she liked through experience. During the year, she grew in confidence as she was challenged to learn the basics and to learn new techniques. She looks forward to this year of dancing with the studio.
As a parent, the environment is positive and educational. The "Bronze" and "Attache" level classes allow for mixed age classes, promoting positive mentorship from older students to younger students. Miss Kayln is responsive to parents and kids questions and needs. She inspired my daughter to push her limits when she was ready. They have 2 performances at the end of the semester classes during the school year. Classes are not held during school holidays. At the last performance, I also appreciated Miss Kayln's encouragement of "audience participation" by cheering on performances, feats, moves that warrant a cheer from the crowd. This encourages the performers as well as adds to energy of the performance."

Jordan Fine: (Student)
“I have been working with Starbeam Studios for a year and a half now, and it had been the best year and a half of my life. I’m currently working on my sixth show with Miss Kayln and don’t plan on making it my last! Every dancer knows, when you become part of a studio, it becomes your second home, the people there become your family. And that is exactly when Starbeam Studios has been for me. My second home. The people here have become some of my best friends in the entire world. Miss Kayln and Miss Abbey are the kindest, warmest, and the most talented teachers I have ever had and I am privileged to call them my friends. My skill level has been dramatically increased along with my self confidence and my knowledge of everything dance and theatre. If you are curious or nervous about joining the studio, I promise you that you will be welcomed with open arms by the staff and the students. Having seen, and performed in Miss Kayln shows, I promise you that it will be an experience you will never ever forget”

Jamie Botts: (Parent)
"Miss Kayln is awesome! My daughter has been a part of Starbeam for a year now and lives dance and theater! We are so glad that she started Starbeam Studios. We love Miss Kayln and Miss Abbey!

Holli Mills: (Working Mother of 3)
"My daughters both took part in Kayln's musical theater class/productions. She did a good job at teaching them how to audition and present themselves. Classes were fun for the girls and the production themselves were great! What I appreciate about Kayln is her calmness and kindness. She didn't stress out or snap at the kids. She was always positive. The only thing I would like to see different is more than one show. My girls expressed that they would like to perform it more time since they spent so much time preparing for it. But altogether it was a wonderful experience for both my girls."

Darnell Place-Wise (Retired Executive Director- Delta Area Chamber of Commerce)
"I am one to absolutely support anything venture my daughter would like to try, I of course, said yes. As we started down the road of preparation, auditions, and more practice, I realized how fully invested Kayln was in not only the show, but the kids. Anyone that auditions for a role in one of Kayln’s productions gets a part, regardless of ability; this inclusivity is what sets Kayln and Starbeam Studios apart from many other studios that we have seen or have participated in.
My daughter has now performed in two of Kayln’s productions and is absolutely excited about doing more. Kayln is easy to work with because her focus is on the kids, every step of the way. She has a wonderful way of communicating and reaching her students where they are versus a “cookie cutter” approach."
Read my full review by clicking the link below.

Alisa Johnson (Mother of 2 Teenagers)
" When my daughter, Emma, decided to audition for one of Miss Kayln's Productions, I thought to myself “How am I going to fit one more thing on my plate”? Not only did we manage, it was a wonderful experience! Miss Kayln was VERY organized and communicated beautifully with the parents keeping them aware of practices, rehearsals. and when payments were due. Every week Emma looked forward to practice. It’s been a month since the play ended and Emma is still walking around the house singing her songs. The night of the production I was in awe with the quality performance those kids executed along with the backdrop that Miss Kayln designed and created. We are looking forward to Miss Kayln’s next production along with the opportunity to make new friends."

Alicia Zentmeyer (Student)
Kayln is such a wonderful teacher! I'd never taken a dance class until post-college when I signed up for ballroom classes, and then beginner ballet. Not only is she a talented performer, but a talented teacher as well, and yes, that's a talent. She takes time explaining things, and if I didn't get it the first time, she found another way to explain it so I got it the next time. Kayln has such a contagious passion, if you don't love dance and theater by the end of class, you never will.

Emma Roithmayr (Student)
"My name is Emma, and I am 13 years old. I think I can speak for the cast when I say we had such a positive, fun, and memorable experience. The first day we were kind of all to ourselves, but as practices went on we all became a big family. We all bonded with each other and supported each other. From the time we walked through the doors of the studio Miss Kayln was there with a bright beautiful smile on her face. She was never in a foul mood or snappy. She was patient with us and super positive. I can’t say anything but good things about Miss Kayln. It was pleasure to be apart of her production, and I can’t wait to join the next one. "

Emma Wise (Student)
"When Miss Kayln first informed me that she was going to be putting on the production, I was not sure I would want to participate. But with her kind and supportive words, she helped me become more confident with myself and convinced me to try out for the lead. I was surprised when I received the lead role, for if Miss Kayln hadn’t convinced me to try out, then I would have never known I was capable.
Because of Miss Kayln, she helped me find my passion. Through all of the hours of rehearsing, I came to a realization that she wasn’t like the other dance and musical theater instructors, she actually cared about her students. She always put us first, and she just wanted us to put our best foot forward, and have fun.
I’ve participated in two productions with Miss Kayln, and I have never been happier. She is an amazing role model and continuously inspires me to do my best. I am so excited to take dance with her, and participate in the next musical theater production! I can’t wait to see where this journey with Miss Kayln takes me."